Tooth extractions in dental clinic are usually the last resort. Your dentist would not suggest an extraction unless it becomes inevitable. That is to say, that when the infection in your tooth has not only the roots but also gone down further to the base, such a situation arises. At the juncture where a root canal would not yield the desired results, in order to deal with the infection effectively, the tooth extraction stands out to be the only option.
A tooth extraction is typically a ‘same-day affair’ after you visit your dental office. Once done, or even before going in for the procedure, you can discuss the restorative options with your dentist. Dental science today has a number of solutions to the issue of a missing tooth in order to redo your extracted tooth. You need to consult your dentist to get the best recommendation for yourself and decide as to which method of restoration you wish to adapt for yourself!
A denture in itself is a lost tooth restoration that helps you out of the embarrassment of a toothless spot in your smile. But you need to keep in mind that even your dentures could require a replacement after a certain period of time. After the dentures have undergone a considerable amount of wear, it might have to be redone. A worn out denture cannot be possibly repaired.
A look into the popularly available denture corrections, reveal the following:
Denture repairs are basically of two types –
1. Simple repairs.
2. Repairs with impressions.
A different fees apply to each type of repair. Your dentist needs to see the denture in order to determine the extent of the repair required, or if the denture can be repaired.
Dental Relines
These are usually solutions to loose-fitting dentures. By the virtue of a new impression, a Reline refits the denture to the gums. The reline might be a same-day affair, that is to say, it could be completed while you are in the treatment chair! However, often denture needs to be sent to the lab. The type of reline most appropriate for you will definitely be discussed by your dentist.
Denture Adjustments:
Dentures are sometimes responsible for soreness. This is because, the dentures might fit too tightly on your gums exerting unwanted pressure on them. In such cases, these restorations need to be adjusted. Usually, for those that are fabricated at the practice you visited, adjustments are available without any charge during the first 60 days of receiving your dentures. After the first 60 days, you might be charged a nominal fee.
If your denture was not fabricated at the same practice, it may not be possible to adjust the denture right away. Your teeth needs to be examined before determining the corrective measure to be adapted.
You may read also: Sometimes Even Kids Need Dental Extractions
It goes without mentioning that an adjustment is not the solution to a loose fitting denture, a reline typically is and it is the best solution for fittings issues indeed.
Gold Crowns for Dentures
Gold crowns are the costliest repairs for your dentures and are offered by the affiliated purposes for concealing the flaw in your denture. These crowns being rare, are usually available through special order and they are not provided for natural teeth!
Dentures are themselves repairs for missing teeth. Handling them with care and sticking to a strict oral care regime ensures that you don’t need to worry about their repairs for long. Your dentist in Pharr dental clinic would advice you best as to how to take the best care for your dentures. Restorations are costly. Maintaining them is therefore of prime importance.