Troubled with decayed tooth/teeth? Don’t worry as Root Canal Therapy is here for you! The term “root canal” actually denotes ‘washing the canals inside a tooth’s root’.
Root canal treatment helps to stop dental ache and shields your teeth from decay or infection. A tooth’s nerve or pulp gets infected and inflamed because of-
- Bad decay
- Multiple dental proceedings on a tooth
- A chipped or broken tooth
- Serious injury to the face
When your dentist performs a Root Canal Treatment, he/she takes out the inflamed or infected pulp. And the inside section gets entirely cleaned and disinfected, followed by filling and sealing.
When do you require a Root Canal Treatment?
Teeth consist of a soft core known as dental pulp. The pulp stretches from your crown portion till the tip of the tooth’s root in your jawbone. When your tooth breaks or has an intense cavity, bacteria gets into the pulp.
If you leave it untreated, the tissue joined to the tooth gets spoiled or infected and an abscess may occur. This gradually results in bone loss, pulp death, and the loss of tooth itself.
- Severe toothache when you bite or chew
- Swelling on your face, neck and surrounding areas of the head
- A hole in your tooth
- Bone loss near root apex
- Broken or cracked tooth
- Pimples over your gums
- Swollen gums
- Major decay or darkening of the gums
- Temperature sensitivity (hot and cold sensations specifically)
Treatment Process
Nowadays, a modern Root Canal Treatment is performed in one or two appointments. However, this depends on the problem level of your tooth and your health status.
- Your dentist first takes some impressions of your teeth to check the stage of decay.
- He/she may give you anaesthesia to handle the pain.
- The dentist puts a rubber-like sheet also called a ‘dental dam’ in your mouth. This is to keep the tooth clean, protected and free of saliva.
- After cleaning the decay, your dentist does a small opening.
- Then with tiny dental tools, your dentist eliminates the infected or damaged pulp.
- In the final phase your tooth gets restored. Once your dentist puts the filling, a crown also termed as an artificial tooth is positioned which appears real.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
- You can chew naturally
- Proficient biting force and sensation
- Standard appearance
- Shields original teeth from intense pressure or strain
Implement proper dental habits to let your restored tooth stay for a lifetime.
Get the Help you need!
Now, if you’re looking for a ‘Dentist near me’ in Pharr, TX, for your root canal treatment, then surely call us at Arcade Dental. Let your Dentist in Pharr help you with the best Root Canal Therapy along with high-quality care and comfort!