Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care

Essential Aftercare Tips For Dental Bridges

By Arcade Dental / May 16, 2023

Are you considering getting dental bridges to help restore your missing teeth and improve your smile? If so, it’s essential to know that proper aftercare is crucial for the longevity of your new dental work. Without adequate care, bridges can become damaged or even fall out, causing discomfort and expense. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with some valuable aftercare tips for dental bridges so that you can take care of your dental bridge properly. Whether it’s cleaning and sanitizing or protecting from wear and tear, we’ve got you covered!

Proper Pre-Bridging And Post-Bridging Care

To ensure the success of your dental bridge, it’s crucial to take proper care of your teeth before and after the procedure. Proper pre-bridging care involves scheduling an appointment with your dentist for a thorough examination and cleaning. This ensures that any underlying dental issues are addressed before the bridge is installed.

On the other hand, post-bridging care requires you to be extra careful when eating or drinking during the first few days following installation. You should avoid hard foods, sticky candies, or anything too hot or cold that can cause damage to your new bridge.

It’s also essential to maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice daily and flossing at least once a day. Your dentist may recommend using special tools such as interdental brushes for effective cleaning around the bridge area.

Moreover, you should schedule regular checkups with your dentist to monitor the condition of your bridge and address any concerns promptly. Remember that neglecting proper care can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, or even loss of surrounding teeth.

By following these simple guidelines for proper pre-bridging and post-bridging care, you can keep your smile healthy and beautiful for many years!

Cleaning And Sanitizing Your Bridge

Cleaning and sanitizing your dental bridge is crucial to maintaining good oral health. Just like natural teeth, bridges can accumulate plaque and bacteria if not properly cleaned. Regular cleaning of your bridge can help prevent gum disease and other oral infections.

To clean your bridge, you should use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Gently brush the surface of the bridge, paying special attention to areas where food particles or plaque may be trapped. Use dental floss or interdental brushes to remove any debris between the teeth supporting the bridge.

It’s also essential to clean under the pontic (false tooth) using an irrigation syringe filled with water or mouthwash solution. This will flush out any debris that has accumulated in hard-to-reach areas.

In addition to regular brushing and flossing, it’s important to have professional cleanings done by a dentist or hygienist regularly. They will use specialized tools to remove tartar buildup on both natural teeth and bridges.

Consider using an antibacterial mouthwash as part of your daily routine. An alcohol-free rinse can help kill germs that cause bad breath while also protecting your gums from infection.

By following these simple steps for cleaning and sanitizing your dental bridge, you’ll keep it looking great while also promoting good oral hygiene practices!

Protecting Your Bridge From Everyday Wear And Tear

After getting a dental bridge treatment, it is essential to protect it from everyday wear and tear. This will help ensure that your bridge lasts for its intended lifespan and maintains its appearance.

One way to protect your bridge is by avoiding hard or sticky foods that could damage the structure. Chewing on ice, biting down on hard candy, or chewing gum can cause chips or cracks in the porcelain of the bridge’s crown. Sticky foods such as caramel can also pull off the cement holding the bridge in place.

Another important step in protecting your dental bridge is practicing good oral hygiene habits such as brushing twice daily and flossing regularly. Proper cleaning helps remove bacteria and plaque buildup which can weaken the bond between your natural teeth and bridges.

To further avoid damaging your dental bridges, you should refrain from clenching or grinding teeth during sleep or when under stress. These actions put unnecessary pressure on both natural teeth supporting the bridgeworks as well as increasing tension within the jaws leading to further complications.

Regular check-ups with an experienced dentist are critical to ensuring that any problems concerning a dental bridge are detected early enough before causing irreparable damages necessitating new sets of bridges.

By taking these simple steps towards protecting your dental bridges; they can last up to 10-15 years or even more!

Replacing Missing Teeth In A Dental Bridge

If you have lost a tooth or multiple teeth, one option for replacement is a dental bridge. A bridge connects the gap between two teeth and uses the neighboring teeth as anchors to hold it in place. However, over time, one of the false teeth may become damaged or decayed and need to be replaced.

When this happens, your dentist will evaluate the condition of your existing bridge and determine if it can be repaired or if a new one needs to be made. If only one part of the bridge needs replacing, an impression will be taken of your mouth so that a replica can be created.

Once the new tooth is ready, your dentist will remove any remaining debris from your old bridge before cementing in place a temporary restoration while waiting for the permanent crown/bridge to come back from their lab.

It’s important to note that replacing missing teeth in a dental bridge requires proper care and maintenance just like any other oral appliance. Proper brushing techniques are recommended along with flossing around each tooth every day. Additionally, routine appointments with your dentist should not go overlooked as they can help detect issues early on before they become bigger problems.

In summary, although having missing teeth replaced with a dental bridge is considered quite durable when compared to other options such as dentures or implants; periodic visits along with preventative steps still need to be adhered too long-term success!

Bottom Line

Taking care of your dental bridge doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the proper pre-bridging and post-bridging care, cleaning techniques, protective measures, and replacement options available, you can ensure that your dental bridge lasts for years to come.

By following these essential aftercare tips for dental bridges, you will not only prolong the lifespan of your bridge but also promote good oral hygiene and health. Remember to always consult with your dentist if you have any questions or concerns about caring for your dental bridge.

With proper maintenance and regular check-ups with your dentist, you can continue enjoying all the benefits of having a healthy smile with a well-maintained dental bridge.